Pandawa Lima's blogs

Friday, 29 May 2015


Siklus hidrologi adalah peredaran air secara umum dari laut ke atmosfer melalui penguapan,kemudian jatuh ke permukaan bumi sebagai hujan,mengalir di atas permukaan dan didalam tanah sebagai sungai yang menuju ke laut.

secara umum siklus hidrologi dapat dibedakan menjadi 3 yaitu

1. Siklus pendek

Penguapan yang terjadi dipermukaan laut,terjadi kondensasi,kemudian membentuk awan dan akhirnya terjadi hujan yang jatuh kelaut lagi.

2. siklus sedang

Penguapan yang terjadi di permukaan laut,terjadi kondensasi uap air,terbawa angin,kemudian terbentuk awan diatas daratan,terjadi hujan didaratan,dan mengalir lagi ke laut melalui sungai dipermukaan.

3. Siklus panjang

Penguapan yang terjadi dipermukaan laut,terjadi kondensasi,uap air terbawa angin dan membentuk awan diatas daratan hingga ke pegunungan tinggi,kemudian jatuh sebagai salju,terbentuk gletser,mengalir ke sungai dan kembali laut.

Friday, 22 May 2015


My first experience to ride motorcycle

One day,when i was ten years old,my father bought an old motorcycle.that was honda.i think it was small light object and easy to ride it.i persuaded my father to teach me to ride honda.
firstly father refused my request and promised that he would teach me two or three years later,but i still whimpered,finally,my father surrendered and promised to teach me.he began to teach me riding the motorcycle around a field in my father was very patient to give me some direction.i was very happy when i realized my ability to ride a motorcycle,"yes i can".

One day later,when i was alone at home,i intended to try my riding ability,so,myself tried bravely.all ran fluently in the begining,but when i was going back to my home and i passed through a narrow slippery street,i got nervous,i lost my control and i feel to the ditch.

After that,i told my father about the last accident,i imagined my father would be angry and never let me ride again.but the reality is exactly on the contrary,my father was very proud of me.he just gave me some advices and since that accident,i got my father permision to ride motorcycle.

Italian Restaurant

Two days ago,sinta and rendi had dinner at an italian of them ordered one medium pizza,santi had a bowl of soup as the appetizer and rendi had a bowl of fruit salad,they orderd soft drink for santi and orange for rendi.

They enjoyed their meal until sinta found a piece of buton in her soup.they made a complaint to the restaurant manager.they asked for a replacment.the manager was very sorry about it and gave them the replacement of the soup.

Watching Cinema

After the movie was over,i left the cinema watch showed 11.30 i got on my bicycle,i pedaled hard on my bicycle and was soon speeding thought went back to the movie i had just seen.

It was a scary story,i could remember clearly a woman screaming as she was being attacted by a monster.some how that frightful scene stayed in my mind and i could not forget it.the road was dark and quiet.i had to pass a graveyard on the way home.

As i approached the graveyard, i heard some sound behind me.i was frightened and began to cycle faster.the sound came nearer and nearer.

The Olimpiade Camp

When i was at junior high school,me and 6 friends of mine to participate the olimpiade camp at kharisma bangsa school at first,i went to school because the school informed us that they will drive us to tangerang,and we went there using the school bus,while on our way to tangerang we told jokes and laughed a lot.

But suddenly an unuxpected thing happened.the bus tire exploded and the car rolled badly.luckily, i was't injured at all.but some of my friend was of them got his foot bleeding and the other one had his bone cracked,so they had to be taken to hospital.and then,our parent picked us home and the school informed us that we still had to participate and went to tangerang on the next day.

On the next day,we went again to tangerang and we arived safely this time.while we where there,we had a great experience.because,altough we study a lot,we had a good time together.for example,we went to the cinema together on the holiday,and we played card while on the,we had a good and bad times there.

terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat RECOUNT TEKS TENTANG (UNFORGETABLE)

Thursday, 21 May 2015


Holiday in kuta bali

My friends and i decided to visit to bali on our school holiday last mont.there were a lot of places to see in there.because we never went to bali before,we joined the tours to see as much as friends and i stayed in one of hotel in kuta on arrival.

in kuta beach,we spent our two days by surfing and swiming.andi,one of my friends tried to sunbathe as if he were a foreigner.we realy enjoyed our time there.on the next day,we were ready to visit the other place listed by the tour guide.the first place we visited was singaraja .singaraja is a city of about 95 thousand s is a busy city but quiet town.the street are lined with trees and there are a lot of old dutch houses.we learnt about history of singaraja there.then we returned very late to the hotel.we went to bed to regain our stamina.

our last tour destination was ubud.there were a lot of art and craft in ubud.the first stop was at batu bulan,a center of stone sclapture.we watched young boys were carving a way at big block of stone.the next place we visited was celuk,a center for silversmiths and goldensmiths.after that,we had a lunch at sukawati and continued touring to mass,a tourist center,we bought some souvenirs in there.

our holiday ended very quickly.beside visiting some place,all our days were spent on the beach.we went sailing or surfboarding every day.we really enjoyed our holiday in bali.

 Holiday in semirang waterfall

On sunday,i and my best friend,sinta,visited semirang waterfall in was the first time for me to visit the waterfall.when we arrived at the hill,i felt so fresh and i could enjoy the scene.the air was so pure and all i could see only green and ungaran,we took a litle bit trekking to find semirang was too bad for me because the distance,we found semirang waterfall,what a beautiful waterfall.

we enjoyed the nice water in the rain forest surrounding the waterfall.hearing the sound of falling water made me peace and relax,it was olso excelent drowning out background sound,playing with the water made me fell so happy.

Finally,the time wasa over,it was time for us to go was unforgetable moment.i realy enjoyed it.

Holiday in pasir kencana beach

Last week my friend and i were bored after three weeks of holiday,so we rode our bikes to pasir kencana beach,which only five kilometer from where i live.when we arrived at the beach,we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there.

After having a quick dip in the ocean,which was really cold,we realized one reason there were not many people was also quite sandra.after we bought some hot chips at the take away  store nearby,we rode our bikes down the beach for a while,on the hard,damp part of the sand.we had the wind behind us and,before we knew it,we where many miles down the beach.
before we made the long trip back,we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while,and then sit down for a rest,while we were sitting on the beach ,just chating,it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back,we would be riding into the strong wind.

when we finally made it back home,we were both totally exhausted!but we learned some good lesson that day.

While camping holidays

Last holiday,my friends and i went camping on the mountain.we went to guci tegal.the spot is near from our town,is about 2 hours to get there,we choose guci because it is not too far froom settlement,we prepared everything  before going on camping.the boys prepared the tents,the girl prepared the food,and i cecked the acomodations,we brought cooking utensils and the food from home,clothes,camera,guitar,ect.

we went there by a car and motorcycle for unwanted condition.we went there in the sunny morning and hoped no rain during camping,on the first day,we sat up the  tent on the spot near waterfall,the girl made  the fence of the area but the boys took a bath on the river,then,we cooked the food for the lunch,had luc together,tried to fish in the river but we got a sandal.on the second day,we had some activities.we went on hiking up the mountain,took some pictures in the garden,and picked strawbery.

The last night of our camping was so cold,we made a campfire,sang song together and told spooky stories wic made us fear,we had camping for about three days,on the last day,we packed everyting we bougth,we cleaned the area and made sure there was nothing left except our footprint,we didn't took anything except took photos,we remembered that we must keep the nature,friendly with them and they will be friendly whith us,we made a memory by taking photos together i front of a waterfall and then went home happily,we felt very tired.

semoga Kumpulan contoh recount teks tentang liburan ini bermanfaat

Friday, 15 May 2015


  1. Persamaan Kedudukan Warga Negara 
Dalam negara demokrasi,persamaan kedudukan warga negara amat penting.karena hal itu merupakan prasyarat ataui pondasi bagi berlangsungnya demokrasi.tanpa adanya persamaan kedudukan warga negara,maka mustahil ada demokrasi,itulah sebabnya di negara-negara demokrasi,hal persamaan kedudukan warga negara di atur secara ekspilit dalam konstitusi.UUD 1945 juga mengatur secara eksplisit mengenai hal ini.

Dalam bahasa ilmu politik,persamaan kedudukan warga negara biasa disebut dengan istilah"persamaan politik"(political equality).persamaan politik dapat didefinisikan sebagai keadaan dimana setiap anggota masyarakat memiliki kesempatan yang sama sebagaimana yang lainnya untuk berpartisipasi dalam proses pembuatan keputusan politik negara (ranney,1982;280).

Demikianlah,penekanan prinsip persamaan politik adalah persamaan kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi,bukan persamaan partisipasi nyata warga masyarakat.sebab,partisipasi nyata warga masyarakat  yang satu dengan yang lain tentu saja berbeda,tergantung pada kemampuan dan kemauan untuk berpartisipasi nasing-masing pihak.namun ,berbagai perbedaan tersebut tidak boleh menjadi alasan adanya perbedaan dalam hal kesempatan untuk ikut serta dalam proses pembuatan keputusan politik,harus mempunyai kedudukan sama ,dalam arti mereka harus diberi kesempatan yang sama untuk ikut serta /berpartisispasi menentukan jalannya kehidupan negara.itulah prinsip mendasar demokrasi.

Dalam hal ini,baik kiranya kita cacat dua makna prinsip persamaan menurut Harold J. Laski.menurutnya ,prinsip persamaan kedudukan warga negara memiliki dua dimensi yaitu:
1. Tidak ada keistimewaan khusus
2. Kesempatan yang sama diberikan kepada setiap orang

Sebagai warga negara indonesia kita memiliki hak dan kewajiban.hak dan kewajiban warga negara indonesia dijamin dalam UUD 1945,jaminan yang diberikan oleh UUD 1945 menjadi landasan bagi kita untuk menjalankan hak dan kewajiban dalam lingkup kehidupan bermasyarakat ,berbangsa dan bernegara,selain itu warga negara indonesia memiliki persamaan kedudukan.

2. Hakikat Persamaan Kedudukan Warga Negara

Sebagai manusia dan warga negara kita memiliki hak asasi.hak asasi tersebut tidak dapat dicabut atau dihilangkan oleh siapapun,hak ini tidak dapat dipisahkan dari manusia karana hak tersebut telah melekat dan ada pada diri manusia karana ia adalah manusia.secara  garis besar hak asasi manusia meliputi hak hidup,hak persamaan dan hak kemerdekaan,hak-hak tersebut selanjutnya berkembang sesuai dengan tingkat kemajuan dan kebudayaan indonesia.manusia mempunyai kedudukan sebagai subjek martabat,derajat dan hak serta kewajiban.

Dari uraian diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa persamaan kedudukan warga negara sebagai berikut.
  1. persamaan sebagai subjek dalam negara
  2. persamaan sebagai manusia yang memiliki harkat,martabat,derajat,hak dan kewajiban yang sama.
  3. persamaan sebagai manusia yang memiliki harga diri.

Landasan ideal:
landasan ideal persamaan kedudukan warga negara adalah pancasila sebagai dasar negara yang terdiri atas lima sila.

Landasan konstitusional:
adalah UUD 1945 yang menjamin persamaan kedudukan dan batang tubuh atau pasal-pasal UUD 1945,yaitu pasal 27-34

Landasan operasional yang meliputi:
- UU No 3 Tahun 2002 tentang pertahanan negara.
- UU No 4 Tahun 2004 tentang kekuasaan kehakiman.
- UU No 34 Tahun 2004 tentang tentara nasional indonesia.
- UU No 27 Tahun 2009 tentang pemilu anggota MPR,DPR,DPD,dan DPRD.
- UU No 2 Tahun 2011 tentang perubahan atas UU No 2 tahun 2008 tentang partai politik.

terima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog ini